
Tuesday, July 3, 2012

18 Apr 2012: Sayedee investigation officer day 7

The investigation officer, Md. Helal Uddin continued to give his evidence in the trial of Sayedee (following on from the previous day)
Along with the East Pakistan Razakar Ordinance-1971 I’ve presented the photocopy of the Gazette regarding Razakar Ordinance-1971, Ministry of Defence, Rawalpindi, the 7th September, 1971, Government of Pakistan, Notification No: 4852/543/PS-1A/3659/D-2A which has been attested by me. Along with that photocopy of the Gazette I’ve presented a photocopy of a letter regarding the pay & allowances for Razakars which has been attested by me.

I did the investigation work on the basis of the papers collected from various governmental and nongovernmental offices; deposition of witnesses and several reports, documents, documentaries which has been published and broadcasted through several dedias. I’ve captured the still and video footages from each of the places of occurrences. It has been found from the several means of investigation that—accused Delwar Hossain Sayedee alias Delu alias Deilla, from village: Southkhali, P.S. - Indurkani, District: Pirojpur; was born in 1st February, 1940 (as per the Dakhil Examination Certificate). He has passed his Dakhil Examination on 1957 from the Sarsina Darus Sunnat Alia Madrasa. After passing the Dakhil examination he got admitted into the Aleem Class. After some days the Madrasa authority has got the information that he was involved the student politics of Jamaat Islami. After an inquiry when the information was found true about his involvement, the then Madrasa Authority expelled him. Afterwards he has passed his Aleem examination in 1960 from the Baroipara Siddikia Senior Madrasa. Afterwards there is no information about his further involvement with study.

Using the title ALLAMA or MAWLANA needs some extensive educational background but it was not found after the proper investigation that he had done this. B he is using the same. It has been found from the information collected during the investigation that the accused was living at his father-in-laws house right after the liberation war, which is situated at Parerhat Bondor, P.S.- Indurkani, District- Pirojpur. Sitting on the road of Parerhat Market he sold salt, pepper, oil and other daily utensils. With the leadership of the following accused, the auxiliary forces- Razakar and Al-Badar - committed massive atrocities like killing, genocide, rape, arson etc over the Awami Leaguers who were in support of liberation war along with the Hindu community and other general people. The auxiliary forces - which include Razakar, Al-Badar, Al-Shams - had killed almost 30,000 people in Pirojpur and raped several hundreds of women. The corpses were floating on the river and several thousand people took asylum at India. By the direction and planning of Jamaat Islami leader Golam Azam, Minister AKM Yousuf and Pirojpur Peace Committee President- Khan Bahadur Syed Md. Afzal (late)--- the Parerhat Peace Committee was formed by Jamat Leader Sikander Shikdar (late), Danesh Mollah, Delwar Hossain Syedee and other people of that area. At May, 1971 the Peace Committee has formed the Razakar Bahini at Parerhat Bondar. The Razakars has captured the house of Fakir Dash which was situated at the Parerhat Bondar. [Showing the image of the House of Fakir Dash at the Multi Media Screen].

During the investigation I’ve captured the image of the place of Razakar Camp which was situated at the Parerhat Bondar. On 2nd may, 1971 Colonel Atik, Major Nader Parvez, Captain Ezaz and were given the responsibility for Pirojpur on behalf of Pakistan Army, to reduce the spirit of the people of Bangladesh. They had set up their Camp at Pirojpur Government High School. Syed Afjal Hossain was the Chairman of Pirojpur Peace Committee. He had a big contribution to form the Razakar, Al-Badar, Al-Shams associations at Pirojpur. By the assistance of Pakistan Army he has committed the crimes as mentioned in section-3(2) of the International Crimes Tribunal Act-1973. With the direct participation of Pakistan Army, the members of Peace Committee had committed the crimes as mentioned in section- 3(2) and 4(1) of the ICT Act-1973. It has been found by the investigations and other evidences that the accused Delwar Hossain Syedee had cooperated the Pakistan Army and joined the Peace Committee and afterwards joined the Razakar team. It has been primarily found that- the accused had committed several crimes under section- 3(2) and 4(1) of the ICT Act- 1973. The offences are shortly described as below:

1. 4 May, 1971>> 20 people were killed by gunshot near the moddhyo Mashimpur Bus stand; P.S. - Pirojpur, Pirojpur District. During the investigation I’ve taken the photos of that Bus stand and the Pirojpur Government High School, where the Pakistan Camp was situated.

2. 4 May, 1971>> At midday massive atrocities like killing, genocide, pillage, arson were committed over the Hindu community of Masimpur Hindupara, P.S. Pirojpur, District- Pirojpur, and 13 Hindus were killed on that time. I’ve taken the photograph of that place, which has been produced before the tribunal.

3. 4 May, 1971>> Several Hindu areas of Pirojpur District had faced massive massacre. Loot, arson, killing were committed over that area.

4. 4 May, 1971>> 4 people of Hindu community were killed beside the Laundry House behind the LGED Building of P.S. Pirojpur; District: Pirojpur.

5. 5 May, 1971>> Syed Abdur Razzak , Abdur Razzak and another person were being abducted and killed. Their dead bodies were thrown to the river Boleshwar. I’ve taken the photos and Videos of that place. [Showing the still image and Video of that place of occurrence.]

6. 7 May, 1971>> 35 shops and several houses were looted and 22 shers of gold and silver were looted from the same shop of Parerhat Bondar Market, P.S.- Indurkani; District- Pirojpur. I’ve taken the photos and videos of that place.

7. 8 May, 1971>> It was 1:30P.M. the house of Mr. ShohidulIslam Selim which was situated at P.s. Pirojpur, District- Pirojpur; was burnt down and his father Nurul Islam (late) was abducted.

8. 8 May, 1971>> It was almost 3 P.M. Place: Village: Chitolia, P.S.- Pirojpur, District- Pirojpur. The auxiliary force had attacked the house of Manik Poshari afterwards it was looted and being burnt down thus destroyed fully. Ibrahim alias Kutti and Mofijuddin were abducted from that house. Afterward Kutti was killed by gunshot and Mofijuddin was seized and tortured at the Razakar Camp. I’ve captured the photographs of the places of occurrences which have been produced before the tribunal.

[Afterward, a Video Documentation as titled “Ekusher Chokh” was presented by the Multimedia screen before the tribunal, which was about the atrocities which were committed by Delwar Hossain Syedee at Pirojpur.]


Haider Ali came to the dais and continued the examination-in-chief of the investigation officer Helal Uddin: Investigation officer continued as follows
Count No. 9: On 2nd June 1971, at 9am, he was accused of the offence of burning and looting the house of Abdul Halim at Nalbunia village, Indurkani thana and Pirojpur district. 
Count No. 10: 2nd June 1971, at 10pm, he was accused of the offence of looting 25 houses at Umedpur Hinduarea in Indurkani Thana and Pirojpur District and then burnt these houses as well as killed Bishabali by firing upon him. 
Count No. 11: On 2nd June 1971, at 12am, he was accused of the offence of looting the house of Mahbubul Alam and torturing his elder brother at Tengrakhali village, Indurkani thana and Pirojpur district. 
Count No.12: He was accused of the offence genocide during Liberation war by detaining and handing over 14 innocent Hindu people at the hand of Pakistan militia from the Parerhaat Hindupara in Indurkani Thana and Pirojpur District. This is the picture of Usha Rani Malakaar. She is our witness; her husband was also among the 14 innocent Hindu people. She is too much sick to come and give witness. 
Mizanul Islam for the defence then stated, In the formal charge and statement of witness, no where it is mentioned that she is sick. Therefore, suddenly you cannot say about her sickness.
Count No.13: He was accused of the offence of torturing late Azhar ali and killing his son Shaheb ali, at Nalbunia village, Indurkani thana and Pirojpur district, after 2 or 3 days of starting liberation war in 1971. After that his dead body was thrown into the river. 
Count No. 14: In 1971 at the last moment of Liberation war, he was accused of offence for committing rape Shefali Ghorami at Indurkani village, Umedpur thana and Pirojpur district. 
Count No. 15: At the last moment of Liberation war, he was accused of the offence genocide for detaining, torturing, abducting and handing over 10 innocent Hindu people of Huglabunia village,Indurkani thana and Pirojpur district, at the hand of Pakistan militia. 
Count No. 16: In 1971, during liberation war, he was accused of the offence of detaining and abducting 3 sisters (1. Mahamaya, 2. Onnorani, 3. Komolarani) of Gourangchandra Shaha at parerhaat bandor, Indurkani thana and Pirojpur district. Then they have been handed over at the military camp and raped by the Pakistan army. 
Count No.17: Bhanu shaha, daughter of Deelip shaha at Parer haat bandor, Indurkani thana and Pirojpur district was detained and raped. My lord, now I am unable to show photographs and Video CD of this though I have taken these with a Government camera. 
Count No.18: During the liberation war martyr Baghirothi wife of late Priyonath shaha, at Baghmara village of Pirojpur district, was tortured and killed. 
My lord, now I am unable to show photographs and Video CD of this though I have taken these at Government camera 
Count No.19: He was accused of the offence of persecution. Near about 100/150 Hindu people at parerhaat bandor and its surroundings area in Indurkani and Pirojpur district was persecuted. I have exhibited photographs of three persons who were persecuted. They were: Azit Kumar Shil Gourang Chandra shaha Madhusudan Ghorami. 
Count No.20: In 1971, on 1st November, he was accused of offence of looting the house of Talukder at Indurkani thana and Pirojpur District and then detaining, torturing, and abducting 85 people. 
Count No.21: Innocent people were abducted and killed, then after killing their dead body was thrown away to the Baleswari River. 
Count No. 22: In 1971, on 17 or 18 November, he was accused of offence of detaining and torturing Abdul Majid Talukder at Togora village, Indurkani thana and Pirojpur district. 
Count No. 23: During Liberation war he looted Madanshaha’s house and shop and then deposited all those things by carrying upon his own head at Pach Tahobil. 
I have produced the Photographs and Video CD’s “Pach Tahobil” before the Tribunal.
Here “Pach Tahobil” means place which was fixed by Pakistan militia for depositing looted things. 
I have produced the photographs and Video CD before the Tribunal. 
Then the court was adjourned because of the anomalies in page numbers.

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