
Thursday, November 22, 2012

18 Oct 2012: Sayedee 13th witness cross exam, 2

After warning the defense lawyers about witnesses, Masood Syedee, the 13th defence witness then came to the witness box. His cross examination by the prosecutor Syed Haider Ali continued (following on from the previous day)
Prosecutor: The Passports mentioned in the material exhibit numbers G & H contains the first letter of the name of Mr. Delwar Hossain Syedee’s father Yousuf Syedee’s name as ‘E’ and the last letter of Mr. Syedee’s name has been mentioned as ‘Y’.

Witness: Yes.

Prosecution: The Passports mentioned in the material exhibit numbers- J & K contains the first letter of the name of Mr. Delwar Hossain Syedee’s father Yousuf Syedee’s name as ‘Y’ and the last letter of Mr. Syedee’s name has been mentioned as ‘E’.

Witness: Yes.

Prosecution: The Passports mentioned in the material exhibit numbers- L,M & N contains the first letter of the name of Mr. Delwar Hossain Syedee’s father Yousuf Syedee’s name as ‘E’ and the last letter of Mr. Syedee’s name has been mentioned as ‘Y’.

Witness: Yes.

Prosecution: The Passports mentioned in the material exhibit numbers- O & P contains the first letter of the name of Mr. Delwar Hossain Syedee’s father Yousuf Syedee’s name as ‘Y’ and the last letter of Mr. Syedee’s name has been mentioned as ‘Y’.

Witness: Yes.

I would like to mention that- I am fully aware about the correction of the certificates of my father. During the election of 2008 my father has submitted the photocopies of his educational certificates with his nomination papers. He has also submitted the photocopies of his certificates of Dakhil and Alim examinations. Those certificates ought to be submitted before this Tribunal today, but here I can just see the certificate of Alim examination here in volume-2. My father’s highest educational qualification is this. The photocopies of the certificates of Alim and Dakhil examinations have been submitted in the material exhibit number- 151. On the Alim certificate the words ‘Abu Naim Mohammad’ have been crossed by a line. At the end of the cross the word ‘Syedee’ has been written. There is a signature of confirmation under this. But I don’t know whether the words ‘Hossain’ and ‘Syedee’ have been written by the same hand writings. At the last line the word fifteen has been crossed by a line and the word ‘nineteen’ has been written afterwards. There is a signature of confirmation and there is also a correction seal. Then the word ‘three’ has been crossed and the word ‘one’ has been written afterwards. There are correction seals on every certificate.

Prosecution: The Alim certificate contains the father’s name of Mr. Syedee as Mawlana Md. Yousuf Syedee but the Dakhil certificate does not contain the word ‘Md.’

Witness: Yes.

Prosecution: Alim certificate contains the word ‘Hussain’ whereas the same word has been spelled as ‘Hossain’ in the Dakhil certificate.

Witness: Yes.

Prosecution: Do you have the main certificate and have any idea about the duplicate copies?

Witness: Yes. Before the 2008 election my father has applied for the duplicate copies of these certificates and got those. When he has applied I can’t remember.

Prosecution: Can you say whether your father has got any duplicate certificate before or after 10-11-2008?

Witness: I don’t know. Before the 2008 election my father first came to know that- he has lost his certificates, before this election there was no need to be aware about those certificates as there arose no necessities to apply for any job or anything else with those certificates of my father. There was a necessity to apply for the nomination paper on 2008 election with those certificates.

Prosecution: The certificates are not correct.

Witness: Not true.

Prosecution: There is no reference of any other book in the book mentioned in material exhibit number- Q.

Witness: Yes. I have read the book. The book has mentioned something about the Razakar and Peace Committee.

Prosecution: The material exhibit- R page- 85 and 86 contains some wordings about the formation of the Razakar team.

Witness: Yes.

Prosecution: The page- 96 of the same book contains at its first portion that- Roijuddin Naiya has assisted the freedom fighters.

Witness: Yes.

Prosecution: The same page contains in its last portion that- during the liberation war almost 10 million people have took shelter on India and it is a history.

Witness: Yes.

Prosecution: The material exhibit- S provides the Government documents which mentions that- on the 11th session of the 5th assembly of the 7th National Parliament the honorable speaker has addressed Mr. Delwar Hossain Syedee as a Razakar and Mr. Sayedee has objected to this thing.

Witness: Yes.

Prosecution: Mr. Mahtabuddin whose name has been mentioned in material exhibit number- T & U is your relative.

Witness: Yes.

Prosecution: Who is holding the main document of the material exhibit number- T & U?

Witness: I don’t know.

Prosecution: The contents of the material exhibit number- T & U have been made for the purpose of this case.

Witness: Not true.
Chairman: Okay the Tribunal is adjourned till 2:00 P.M.

Prosecution: In exhibit V there are descriptions of killing, raping, looting, setting fire by Razakars and Pakistani Army of Pirojpur district and depiction of some of the names of offenders.
Witness: Yes, that is so.
Prosecution: The book you submitted as exhibit V, in its page no. 386 there is a line, ‘Ekdin Razakarder hate dhora porilo Vagirithi’ (oneday Vagirothi got caught by the Razakars).
Witness: Yes, that is so.
Prosecution: In exhibit W, in page no 273, there is a photocopy of a certified copy of a complaint petition, could you tell me where the original copy is?
Witness: By asking, we came to know that it may be in Tribunal.
Prosecution: Who did the photocopy and when?
Witness: I don’t know.
Prosecution: From where was the photocopy made?
Witness: I don’t know also.
Prosecution: Did you match it from the original one?
Witness: No, I didn’t get that opportunity.
Prosecution: What did you see in Exhibit W1 to –W6?
Witness: These are the photocopies of the certified copies of examination-in-chief.
Prosecution: When was the examination-in-chief taken?
Witness: In 24/03/10.
Prosecution: When was it collected?
Witness: In 24/03/10.
Prosecution: When you collected the complaint petition were those examinations-in-chief with it?
Witness: I can’t say but maybe those were with it.
Prosecution: Look, is there any case number in those examinations in chief?
Witness: No, there in not.
Prosecution: From exhibit-W1 to W6 are forged.
Witness: It’s not true.
Prosecution: In exhibit- W, there is a book named ‘Bangladesher Muktijuddho’ (Freedom fight of Bangladesh) in its page 675 there is a document named ‘Ekjon razakarer Porichoypotro’ (The identity card of a Razakar).
Witness: Yes, it is.
Prosecution: In that ID card there is written, sd/illegible/INCHARGE/Razakar & Jamat-e-Islami-91/92, Siddque Bazar, Dacca.
Witness: Yes, it is.
Prosecution: In this present suit Kandakar Mahbub Hossain, Moudud Ahmed, Barrister Jamir Uddin Sorkar, Adv. Joynul Abedin and many other reputed lawyers have appeared on your behalf, isn’t it that so?
Witness: Yes.
Prosecution: In exhibit Z, AA, AB, AC, AD, AE, AF, AG, AH and AI there are some invitation letters isn’t that so?
Witness: Yes. It is.
Prosecution: Is there any invitation letter given by any government organization?
Witness: No.
Prosecution: Who were those organizations?
Witness: They are Bengali organizations situated abroad mainly, along with some foreign organizations as well.
Prosecution: Was there any militant organization among them?
Witness: I can assure you that there was no such militant organization among them.
Prosecution: In exhibit- Az there is a book named ‘Pirojpur Jelar Etihas’ (History of Pirojpur district). Here there are description of killing, looting, setting fire, raping by Pakistani Army, Razakars and members of Peace Committee.
Witness: Yes, and 60 names of Razakars are written also.
Prosecution: How many Razakars were there in Pirojpur?
Witness: I don’t know.
Prosecution: In exhibit AK, there is a book named ‘Bangladersher Shadhinota Juddho’ (Freedom Fight of Bangladesh) and in its page 435-440 there is an interview of Shamsul Alam Talukder (DW-1), it is not real.
Witness: It’s not true.
Prosecution: Exhibit AL and AM which are the photocopies of two birth certificates of Khalilur Rahman and Matowara. Who collected these?
Witness: My late elder brother.
Prosecution: Were Khalilur Rahman and Matowara with him at the time of collecting those?
Witness: I don’t know.
Prosecution: Do you know him who issued this birth certificate?
Witness: I didn’t meet him but I know him by name.
Prosecution: Look, is there any signature of UP chairman in the birth certificate of Matowara?
Witness: No, but there is a seal.
Prosecution: These documents are not real, they are forged.
Witness: It’s not true.
Prosecution: Exhibit AL1 is a forged document, there is no sign and seal.
Witness: It’s not true. It is a part of a book. There is no system of placing seal and sign in every page, there are seal in first page and I have the main book.
Prosecution: In exhibit AN, the photocopy of the name list of VGD project.
Witness: Yes, it is.
Prosecution: Prosecution: Exhibit A is a forged document, there is no sign and seal.
Witness: It’s not true. It is a part of a book. There is no system of placing seal and sign in every page, there are seal in first page and I have the main book.
Prosecution: When did you submitted the documents of exhibit- AQ, AR, AS, AS1, AS2, AT, AT1, AT2, AU, AV, AW, AX, AY, AY1, AY2, AZ, BA, BA1, BA2, BB, BB1, BB2, BC, BC1, BC2, BD, BD1, BD2, BE, BE1, BE2, BF, BG, BG1, BG2, BG3, BH, BI, BI1.
Witness: I gave them to my lawyer at different times but when did they give these to the Tribunal I don’t know.
Prosecution: Your lawyers submitted those in 24/10/2012.
Witness: I don’t know.
Prosecution: In exhibit AQ, there is a letter, when was it issued?
Witness: It was issued in 02/06/1998.
Prosecution: Where is the original copy of it?
Witness: Maybe it is now with Mr. Mizanur Rahman Talukder.
Prosecution: Who collected it and from where?
Witness: Maybe my elder brother, from concerned office.
Prosecution: Is it written in the document that it’s an office copy?
Witness: No.
Prosecution: In exhibit- AS, there is a photocopy of a certified copy, where is the original?
Witness: I can’t remember right at this moment.
Prosecution: Is there any party of yours in this case?
Witness: No.
Prosecution: In exhibit- AS1, there is a photocopy of a certified copy, where is the original?
Witness: I can’t remember right at this moment.
Prosecution: In exhibit- AT, AT1, AT2, there are some documents of some suits, are you any party of those suits?
Witness: No.
Prosecution: Exhibit- AV is not real, it is forged document.
Witness: It’s not true.
Prosecution: In exhibit- AW and AX, there is a report, it is forged.
Witness: It’s not true.
Prosecution: In exhibit- AY, AY1, AY2 you submitted some bills. Whose bills are those?
Witness: It’s not our bill. These are the telephone bill of ‘Safe House’.
Prosecution: In exhibit- AZ, whose hand writing is this?
Witness: I don’t know.

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