
Monday, July 2, 2012

18 Mar 2012: Kamruzzaman charging 2

After the discussion about the cross examination of the investigation officer in the Sayedee case, the tribunal continued with the charge framing of Kamruzzaman (Unofficial translation: most but not all of this was read out at the tribunal). The first part of the charge framing took place in the morning
4.14 Islami Chhatro Shongho
Relation between Islami Chhatro Shongho and Jamaat E Islami
Islami Jomiat E Talaba was established at Lahore on 23rd December, 1947. This organization had an ideological relationship with Maodudi. In 1950 the East Pakistan wing of this student’ organization started its activity as Islami Chhatro Shongho. In 1971 Islami Chhatro Shongho was the students’ wing of Jamaat E Islami led by Golam Azom. In 1971 the Al Badr force was formed by recruiting the members of this particular organization. Al Badr was the students’ wing of Rajakar force (another wing was Al Shams) [LT. Gen. Niazi- The Betrayal of East Pakistan; Siddiq Salik, Witness to Surrender; P-78; The Daily Shongram, 4th November, 1971] On 8th November, in a press release to the Daily Shongram it was informed that Ali Ahsan Muhammad Mujahid was appointed as the general secretary of the organization. In 1971 Motiur Rahman Nijami became the president of the Islami Chatro Shongho. [Seizure List and Documentary Proofs prepared by the Investigation Agency of the International Crimes Tribunal (2nd Volume)]

The relation between Islami Chhatro Shongho and Al Badr force has been published in news report in 1971. In the report of 12th September of the Daily Shongram it is published that Golam Azom told the leaders of Islami Chhatro Shongho regarding the formation of Al Badr force on 11th September at Curzon Hall in the Kaed E Azom memorial exhibition, “ New force of activists is necessary now to protect Pakistan likewise the Pakistan movements.” Later Golam Azom indicated to the workers of Islami Chhatro Shongho and hoped that this worker force will be able to make Pakistan survive forever. [The Daily Shongram, 12th September, 1971]

4.15 Relation between Islami Chhatro Shongho and Al Badr force
According to the report published in the Daily Sangram on 12th September, 1971 Golam Azom called upon the leaders of Islami Chhatro Shongho to organize Al Badr force.

4.16 It can be easly understood from that the Islami Chaatro Shongho was playing the main role in organizing Al Badr from the workers conference of Rangpur branch of the organization. (Fort nightly report on Political Situation, 1971 from special branch, East Pakistan Dacca.) In this report activities of Islami Chhatro Shongho was discussed.

4.17 In some similar type of reports it is said that on 07/11/1971, Al Badr day was observed by the workers of Al Badr. On 15th September, 1971 between 16:00 hours and 18:00 hours, a meeting of the workers of the ICS, Sylhet was held at Sarada Hall, Sylhet town where members of Islami Chhatra Shongho (ICS) delivered speeches urging upon the workers to work hard for the integrity of Pakistan and to join in large number, the training course imparted by the Pakistan Army. These workers after the training will be known as Al Badr Bahini and their duty will be to watch and check the activity of the rebels. [Seizure List and Documentary Proof (2nd Volume) prepared by the Investigation Agency of the International Crimes Tribunal]

4.18 The aim of Islami Chaatro Shongho and Al Badr was same. The proof of this claim can be found in the East Pakistan Police Abstract of Intelligence report. It is said in the report: 'Mymensingh- At instance of Islami Chhatra Shongho and Al Badr party, Mymensingh a reception meeting of the ssc examinees was held on 26th July, 1971 at Pakistan Art Council Hall, Mymensingh Town with Akhtaruzzaman, President City ICS, Mymensingh in the chair, in the course of their speeches, the speakers welcomed and praised the examinees that appeared at the examination in spite of threatening and other hindrances. They appealed to the students to remain alert about the activities of the miscreants.' [Seizure List and Documentary Proof (2nd Volume) prepared by the Investigation Agency of the International Crimes Tribunal]

4.19 The approach of Islami Chhatro Shongho toward the activities of Pakistani army can easily be understood from the ‘Fortnightly Report on Political Situation, 1971 from the Special Branch, East Pakistan, Dacca.It is said in the report: "18. In a meeting (1000) of Islami Chhatro Shongho (ICS) held on 14.671 at Jamalpur, Matiur Rahman Nizami, President, All Pakistan ICS and others delivered speeches in course of which they condemned Awami League and praised the Pakistan Army for it timely action. They advised the people to follow the principles of Islam and cooperate with the army.” [Seizure List and Documentary Proof (2nd Volume) prepared by the Investigation Agency of the International Crimes Tribunal]

4.20 Rajakar
Rajakar force was organized by the direct help of extremist religious party and under the direct supervision of Peace Committee and Jamaat E Islami. On May, 1971 Mawlana A K M Yusuf, a leader of Jamaat E Islami first formed the Rajakar force by recruiting 96 workers of Jamaat in the Anser camp situated at Khanjahan Ali road in Khulna. Gradually Rajakar force was formed in other parts of the country. The Rajakar force was primarily deployed to ensure the free movement of Pakistani army, to watch the position and movement of freedom fighters etc. Later, on 28th May, 1971 Lt. Gen. Tikka Khan signed the East Pakistan Razakars Ordinance 1971 which came to in effect from 2nd August, 1971. By this ordinance the Rajakar force got legal provision by cancelling the ‘Ansar Act’ of 1948. So by this ordinance the Rajakar force was given all the properties, capitols, records and bonds of Ansar by removing Ansar force. Another ordinance was announced on 7th September, 1971 and by this ordinance the Rajakar force was brought under the direct control of Pakistani army. The training of Rajakars was done under the supervision of Pakistani army. The training was taken place in many areas of the country and in Dhaka it was taken place in the field adjacent to the Arts Building of Dhaka University and in the field of Mohammodpur Physical Training Institute. The period of training was 1 two weeks. After the training they were given a 303 rifle. Rajakar force was deployed to enforce laws with the help of police, to guard the roads, bridges and key point installations. They enjoyed a monthly allowance. At first the leaders of Islami Chhatro Shongho advised its workers to take part in the Rajakar force and to go to the battle field. But people of different opinion and negative mentality joined this group and spoiled its character.

4.21 Al Badr
On 22nd April Al Badr force came into being by Muhammad Ashraf Hossain. On 15th May, 1971 in the provincial conference of ICS the proposal for increasing the participation of the workers in the Rajkar force was passed. Riad Hossain Malik young major of 31st Baluch regiment started to belive from his practical experience that Rajakar force is not dependable any more. So he separated the students of ICS from the Rajakars.

The accused Kamarujjaman- the president of the Mymensingh branch of Islami Chhatro Shongho: The accused Kamarujjaman, inhabitant of Sherpur and the president of the Mymensingh branch of Islami Chhatro Shongho provided short training to 47 workers on 16th May as the chief organizer. Mohiuddin Chowdhury wrote about Al Badr, Al Shams and Al Mujahid in his book ‘Sun Set at Midday’, “The workers belonging to purely Islami Chhatro Shongho were called Al Badr, the general patriotic members of Jamaat E Islami, Nizam E Islam etc were called Al Shams and the non Bengali members were called Al Mujahid. In the book ‘Pakistan between Mosque and Military Hussain Haqqani wrote, “Army decided to raise a Razakar (volunteer) force of one hundred thousand civilian non Bengalese settled in East Pakistan and the pro Pakistan Islamic groups. The Jamaat E Islami and its students’ wing Islami Jamiete Tulba joined the military’s efforts in May 1971 to launch two paramilitary counterinsurgency units. The IJT provided a large number of recruits. By September a force of fifty thousand Razakars had been raised. Secular West Pakistani politicians complained about ‘an army of Jamaat e Islami nominees.’ The two special brigades of Islamist cadres were named Al Shams (the sun) and Al Badr (the moon). The names were significant for their symbolic values. Islam’s first battle under Prophet Muhammad, had been the battle of Badr, and thse paramilitary brigade saw themselves as the sun and the crescent of Islamic revival in south Asia. General Niazi, the commander of Pakistan’s Eastern Command, later explained the role of the Razaakars.” This force took active part in the killing of intellectuals. They had direct communication with the Pakistan occupation army.

4.22 Responsibility Distribution:
Each unit of Al Badr was divided into three divisions for taking the responsibility of broader defense.
First Division: The responsibility of this division was to create public opinion in support of Pakistan. Since the people became so disappointed by continuously hearing the news of BBC radio, Moscow and all India radio, their duty was to diminish those subversive propaganda. To inform the people of the reality, to arrange public gathering, to ensure security to the students and teachers of schools and colleges.

Second Division: The duty of the division was to protect the government property by forming teams. To face the enemy in field level and to defend their aggression. In this matter Al Badr used to launch expedition under the direction or permission of the army.

Third Division: This division was formed to provide necessary correct information about the conspirators on which the Pakistani army took their plans by guessing the position of the enemy. Beside it Al Badr had a separate medical unit which was formed by the activists of medical colleges, [Selim Monsoor Khaled, Al Badr]

4.23 Military Training of Al Badr:
Al Badr force was given training by the Pakistani army. The training span was 7 to 12 days. The skills of using automatic weapons, dismantling and moving weapons from one place to another, disabling mines and explosives, receiving wireless message were developed in this training. In the practical field the under mentioned weapons were provided to Al Badr- Barabor gun, 303 rifle, light mortar gun, anti aircraft gun, hand grenade, mine and revolver. The association of Al Badrs was mentioned in the note of Major Gen. Rao Forman Ali Khan, the adviser to the governor general. Just after the formation of Al Badr the workers of Islami Chhatro Shongho took the possession of all educational institutions and started to use them as their training and torture camp. They observed 14th August, the Azadi Day of Pakistan with great festivity. This time the Dhaka University branch of ICS observed it with great celebration. To render the appropriate service for the sake of apposite security each unit ws divided into three departments-
1) Department of public relation 2) Department of defense 3) Department of information

4.24 Organogram: Organogram of Al Badr was as follows:
Unit 312 cadet:
Unit= 3 companies, each company consists of 104 mujahids: Company= 3 platoons, each platoon consists of 33 gazes: Platoon= 3 section troops, each troop consists of 11 Al Badrs

Each unit had a commander and two second commanders. Since the units were formed In district level so there was no provincial commander. But the provincial council of ICS monitored the activities of Al Badr. In local level this shor principle was set to select the commander that he should have faith and fear on Allah, he should be firm on truth and he should be better than his fellow comrades.

4.25 Wages:
Pakistani army proposed regular wage for the members of Al Badr. But Islami Chhatro Shongho denied accepting the wage and they recommended to spend the money for ‘defense fund’. Later the leaders of ICS decided that personally no member will draw any kind of wage and the money will be deposited in the regional Al Badr fund. The amount of wage was monthly 70 taka per head only. At first they used to wear qurta and pajama later they used military uniform.

4.26 The names of chiefs and central commanders of Rajakar, Al Badr and Al Shams have been collected. They are
1. Motiur Rahman Nijami : President, Pakistan Islami Chhatra Shongho
2. Ali Ahsan Muhammad Mujahid : President, East Pakistan Islami Chhatra Shongho
3. Mir Kashem Ali : Central leader of Islami Chhatra Shongho
4. Md. Yunus : Chief of Rajakar force
5. Muhammad Kamarujjaman : Chief organizer of Al Badr force
6. Ashraf Hosen : Founder of Al Badr force and chief of Mymensingh
7. Md. Shamsul Huq : Chief of city Badr force
8. Mostofa Shaokot Emran : Commander of Dhaka A l Badr force
9. Ashrafujjaman Khan : Chief of Dhaka city Al Badr force and chief
Executor of intellectual killing 10. Chowdhury Moeen Udiin : Operation in charge of intellectual killing
10. Shardar Abdus Salam : Chief of Dhaka district

Since Al Badr force was administered by Jamaat E Islami it became under severe criticism of other political parties. Al Badr was chiefly responsible for the killing of intellectuals. In the description of the distribution of ammunitions and weapons among the Rajakars the memo of distribution of the ammunitions and arms to Al Badr is found.

5. News reports and editorials of different news papers published in East Pakistan
Connection of Rajakar, Al Badr and Al Shams with the army and the government of the then East Pakistan and the Jamaat E Islami and other Islamist and rightist political parties (On the basis of News reports and editorials of different news papers published in East Pakistan)

5.1 On 26th March, 1971 just after the proclamation of independence by Bongobondhu Sheikh Mujibor Rahman the liberation war began. The rightist parties including Jamaat E Islami took their position against the liberation war and expressed their support to the military government in a meeting with them. Jamaat E Islami and other rightist political parties started to organize Peace Committee of 140 members on 9th April, 1971 according to the advice of the military rulers. Their activities started after the formation of this committee in different places of the country. With the effort of the Central Peace Committee, branche of Peace Committee started to open with great speed. In Momenshahi 3 members of the Central Peace Committee discussed on their activities and took necessary steps to form Peace Committee in sub district and union level. The proof of this claim can be found in the news report. (Source: 1. “ Momenshahi tour of the members of Peace Committee- the life of the patriots were saved by the presence of the army” published in the Daily Azad, date- 15th May, 1971 ) 
5.2 From the discussion of the news report it became clear that to help the Peace Committee the marshal law authority of Khulna provided telephone, transport and other communication facilities to increase their surveillance. They are also forming teams to arrest the miscreants and rebels. It is also known from the report that local marshal law authority has employed a magistrate and an army officer to inspect the office of the Peace Committee and to meet the needs of the local residents. (Source: 1. Praiseworthy activity of Khulna central Peace Committee” published in the Daily Azad, date- 9th May, 1971 2. Activity of Peace committee is increased in Chittagong” published in the Daily Azad, date- 26th May, 1971 ) 
5.3 Besides the leaders of the Central Peace Committee, the marshal law administrator of B region met with the members of the Peace Committee of Rongpur district and he their effort to wipe out the miscreants and rebels. In the informal meeting of the Peace Committee the retired army officers also called upon to quell the enemies of Pakistan. (Source: 1. “ Lt. Gen. Tikka Khan at the meeting with the members of Peace Committee in Rongpur- persons who are trying to harm the country cannot be the well wisher of the people” published in the Daily Azad, date- 12th August, 1971: 2. “Omrao Khan at the meeting of Central Peace Committee- Call for unity against the enemy of Pakistan” published in the Daily Azad, date- 18th May, 1971 ) 
5.4 The members of the central Peace Committee called upon the people of East Pakistan to provide all kinds of help and support to the army to face the miscreants by meetings and conferences. (Source: 1. “ Public conference at Munshigonj- Call for cooperation with the Pakistani Army” published in the Daily Azad, date- 21st May 1971) 
5.5 While the activities of the Peace Committee was in full swing all over the country the representative newspaper of Jamaat E Islami, the Daily Shongram mentioned in its sub editorial, “ Our army is always prepared. Movement of the miscreants should be quelled by maintaining contact with them. Therefore we have to quell those who want to break the peaceful harmony by doing guerilla activities by arms and by organizing village defense party under the Peace Committee. (Source: 1)Daily Shongram, 13th June, 1971) 
5.6 It is known that in the context of this type of inciting statements the general secretary of Putia Peace Committee on behalf of the Putia Thana Peace Committee has arrested 5 miscreants and rescued box load of ammunitions and many weapons from the deep water. (Source:, “ Action of Putia Peace Committee- Box loaded with weapons captured: 5 arrested” published in the Daily Azad, date- 4th June, 1971 1) “ Armed miscreant arrested at the village of Laksham” published in the Daily Azad, date- 8th August, 1971 ) 
5.7 Thus by delivering speech in the meeting and conferences of the Peace Committee the leaders of different political parties including Jamaat E Islami speeded up the works of Peace Committee. In the meeting of the central peace committee at Sylhet the Emir of Jamaat E Islami of Sylhet called upon to form Peace Committee in every union to remove the miscreants. (Source: 1) “ Meeting of central Peace Committee at Sylhet- Strict warning to India” published in the Daily Azad, date- 16th June, 1971 2) “ Warning of Peace Committee at Sylhet- India will taste war in her own land” published in the Daily Shongram, date- 17th June, 1971 3) “ Conference between officers and the members of Peace Committee at Momenshahi” published in the Daily Azad, date- 19th June, 1971) 
5.8 Having been blessed by the military authority, civil authority and the rightist political parties the members of Peace Committee continued their crimes of murder and torture. On 14th August, in the sub editorial of the Daily Shongram it was mentioned that in some places Peace Committee is the other name of riot and indiscipline. Lack of centralization and for the purpose of army action the rise of multi purpose Peace Committee is mostly responsible for this. For this reason the most essential thing is to form a flawless and centralized Peace Committee and adequate number of Rajakars under its control. On May, 1971 Maolana A K M Eusuf, a leader of Jamaat E Islami first formed the Rajakar force by recruiting 96 workers of Jamaat in the Anser camp situated at Khanjahan Ali road in Khulna. Recruitment of Rajakars was started from the members of Peace Committee. It is proved from the meeting of the Islampur Union Peace Committee that each unit of Rajkar had been composed of 25 members. (Source: 1) “ Meeting of Islampur Union Peace Committee performed” published in the Daily Shongram, date- 26th July, 1971) 
5.9 Before this the governor of East Pakistan and marshal law administrator Lt. Gen. Tikka Khan informed the members of Peace Committee during his tour on Chuadanga, Natore and Rajshahi that the training and formation of Rajakars are ongoing to help the law enforcing agencies for taking proper action against the 11000 freed criminals and detainees from the different prisons.
Source: 1) “ Governor at Chuadanga, Natore and Rajshahi- People did not give mandate to any party for separating Pakistan” published in the Daily Pakistan, date- 6th July, 1971.

5.10 Thus after the formation of Rajakar they started to kill freedom fighters and innocent unarmed Bengalese along with the Pakistani army. Commander of the Eastern Command and marshal law administrator of region B Lt. Gen. A A K Niazi inspected the training session of Rajakars of which report was published with a photo. He also met with the local Rajakars of Sherpur and Tangail. (Source: 1) “Gen. Niaji at Sherpur- Admiration of the sense of patriotism among people” published in the Daily Pakistan, date- 18th July, 1971) 
5.11 Commander of the Eastern Command and marshal law administrator of region B Lt. Gen. A A K Niazi delivered a speech at Domar to the members of Peace Committee. In that program the local commander informed Niazi that Al Badr and Al Shams are launching operation individually and jointly with the army. (Source: 1. “ Gen. Niaji at Domar- Killer India cannot be the friend of East Pakistan” published in the Daily Shongram, date- 4th November, 1971) 
5.12 In the op-editorial of the Daily Shongram headed (Duty and Responsibility of Rajakr) it is mentioned that though the miscreants have been scattered after the deployment of Rajakar force some movements of the miscreants are still ongoing in some remote places where there is no Rajakar deployment. We think that the best way to eradicate the miscreants is to organize Rajakar in the remote areas under a able leadership. (Source: 1) “Duty and Responsibility of the Rajakar” published in the Daily Songram, date-4th November, 1971 ) 
5.13 In another sub editorial of the Daily Shongram it is mentioned that in this crucial moment the position of Rajakar in context of their contribution to protect the solidarity and integrity of Pakistan they are now next to the army. The future of the country is depending mostly on the Al Badr and Al Shams forces. The Rajakars should also be provided with modern weapons to quell the rebels.
Source: 1. “ Demand for increasing the power of Rejakar” published in the Daily Shongram, date- 8th November, 1971

5.14 All the powers against the liberation war were interconnected with each other. The proof of this claim can be found in the report of Daily Shongram headed, “Oath of Al Badr force took place at Khulna. In this ceremony member of Khulna Peace Committee and the Deputy Commissioner of Khulna and many other high ranking officials were present.

It can be mentioned here the leader of the Peace committee of a particular area conducted the oath taking ceremony of the Rajakars of that area. (Source: 1) Oath of Al Badr force took place at Khulna” published in the Daily Shongram, date- 5th November, 1971 2) 200 Rajakrs took the formal oath, published in the Daily Shongram, date-5th November, 1971) 
5.15 The then minister for labor and social welfare A S M Solayman told that the Rajakars should be declared as the national hero. (Source: 1. “ Solaiman: The Rejakars should be entitled as National Hero” published in the Daily Shongram, Date- 17th November, 1971) 
5.16 Beside it the then finance minister of East Pakistan informed that the manpower of Rajakar will be increased up to 1 hundred thousand and adequate number of Rajakars will be deployed in the unions. Source: 1. “ Finance Minister at Chittagong: Number of Rejakar will be increased up to 1 hundred thousand”, published in the Daily Shongram, date- 18th October, 1971) 
5.17 After all it has been recognized from the Rawalpindi that the Rajakar force is a well equipped and skilled regular force who have sacrificed their lives to serve the country. (Source: 1. “Rajakars are skilled and well equipped”, published in the Daily Shongram, date- 3rd December, 1971) 
5.18 Professor Golam Azom termed the so called Mukti Bahini as the enemy army and recommended the increase of power for Rajakar force to the President A M Yahia Khan. He said at Karachi that no Muslim can be a supporter of Bangladesh Movement. He also commented that the Rajakars were doing very well. (Source: 1) “Golam Azom met the President: Recommendation to employ Bengalese as the ministry of foreign affairs and as the finance minister” published in the Daily Shongram, date- 2nd December, 1971: 2) “Golam Azom at Karachi- Demand to ban the separatist political parties” published in the Daily Pakistan, date- 2nd September, 1971) 
5.19 It is mentioned in the news headed “Al Badr that just after the attack on Pakistani army on 22nd Aril Al Badr force was formed under the president o of Momenshahi Islami Chhatro Shongho- Muhammmad Ahraf Hosen. Al Badr was a name was a surprise. Where there is Mukti Bahini, there is Al Badr. Al Badr is like the Azrail for those who are trying to infiltrate. Al Badr force was running its activity like the Rajakar force as a auxiliary forces of Pakistani army. )Source: 1) “ Al Badr force formed at Goforgaon” published in the Daily Pakistan, date- 6th September, 1971 2) “ Badr Day is observed at various places- Call for to be prepared for any sacrifice to establish Islamic society” published in the Daily Shongram, date- 14/11/1971. 3) , “ Proposal of the central executive committee of Jamaat- call for firm stand against Indian attack” published in the Daily Shongram, date- 26/11/1971
4) “ Call of the leaders of Chhatro shongho- be prepared as a soldier” published in the Daily Shongram, date- 24th November, 1971) 
5.20 It is mentioned in the report that their training was done by the Pakistani army. They used to kill Indian spies and agents and administer any operations. In the papers of that time the operations of Al Shams have been mentioned. It is also mentioned that they had arranged meeting and conferences in their area. (Source: 1) “3 successful operation of Al Shams” published in the Daily Azad, date- 3rd November, 1971 2) “ Successful operation of Al Badr and Al Shams force at Comilla and Rajshahi” published in the Daily Azad, date- 7th November, 1971) 
5.21 President of the then Islami Chhatro Shongho Ali Ahsan Muhammad Mujahid called upon the people of the country as the commander of the Al Badr force to protest the Indian attack. (Source: 1. “ Mass conference against Hindustani attack” published in the Daily Azad, date- 11th December, 1971 ) 
5.22 From the core leaders of Jamaat E Islami to the leaders of Chhatro Shongho all were using the religion to protect the solidarity of Pakistan and they started to deliver inciting statements. A sample of the inciting statement is Emir of Pakistan Jamaat E Islami Maolana Maodudi said that when an Islamic country is under attack by an infidel power it is the duty of any Muslim to take part in Jihad even if he is a traveler or foreigner. He praised the mental power of the students and advised them to join in these forces. (Source: 1. “ Jihad is mandatory for the Muslims if the country is attacked by the infidels” published in the Daily Azad, date- 7th December, 1971) 
5.23 In the consequence of the opening speech Emir of the East Pakistan Jamaat E Islami Golam Azom said at Lahore, “We shall live together and we shall die together in the Jihad for protecting the integrity of Pakistan from the hands of India. In Rawalpindi he declared 3 points plan. The plan is 1) India should be attacked from the West Pakistan 2) Equip the patriotic people of East Pakistan with arms
3) Establish firm belief on them (Source: 1. “ Professor Golam Ajon said that no functional government can be formed without Vutto” published in the Daily Azad, date- 7/12/’71 2. “ Request to believe on East Pakistan- 3 points of Golam Ajom” published in the Daily Azad, date- 2nd December, 1971) 
5.24 The then President of All Pakistan Islami Chhatro Shongho Motiur Rahman Nijami said that Pakistani is the name of a ideology and the ideology is Islam. We shall prove it with blood that no foreigner will be able to attack the main land of Pakistan. We shall thwart the Indian invasion. He also told in the conference arranged by Dhaka Alia Madrasa Chhatro Shongho that only patriotic youngsters can defend the mischievous acts of Indian agents and infiltrators. (Source: 1. “Motiur Rahman Nijami” published in the Daily Azad, date- 16th August, 1971 2. “ Nijumi at Students’ Conference- the highest responsibility is to be devoted to the reformation of Pakistan” published in the Daily Shonggram, date- 24/9/1971)
5.25 In this consequence the President of eastern zone of Islami Chhatro Shongho Ali 
Ahsan Muhammad Mujahid called upon the students to stand firmly against the Indian attack. He told each worker to be prepared to fight for the every inch land of Pakistan. (Source: 1. “Summon to the student society- Stand firmly against the Hindustani attack” published in the Daily Azad, date- 24th November, 1971) 
5.26 News report published in different news papers and their effect:
From these papers published on 1971 the testimony of killing hundreds and thousands of innocent unarmed Bengalese as Indian spies and miscreants by Pakistani army and their auxiliary forces i.e. Jamaat E Isalmi and its associate students’ organization, Rajakar, Al Badr, Al Shams and Al Mujahid can be found clearly.

A long list of newspaper articles were listed. To see this link look at this page.

6. Introduction to the accused Muhammad Kamarujjaman

Birth and Education

6.1 The accused Muhammad Kamarujjaman, father- late Insan Ali Sharkar, mother- Slaeha Khatun, Address- Mudipara, thana- Sherpur district, District- Sherpur. Current address: House no- 105, road no-4, block no- F, section-11, journalist’ residential area, thana- Pollobi, DMP, Dhaka

6.2 The accused Muhammad Kamarujjaman was born in 04/07/19532. After passing S.S.C he got admitted at Ashek Mahmud College of Jamalpur. He joined the Islami ChhatroShongho when he was student of class 10 of G K M Institution of Sherpur and started student politics.

6.3 The accused Muhammad Kamarujjaman was the secretary of hall section of the Islami Chhatro Shongho in Ashek Mahmud College while studying degree. He stood as a candidate in the election of students’ council in his college for the post of literature secretary but lost.

Organizational activity of Kamarujjaman during the liberation war of 1971
6.4 The accused Muhammad Kamarujjaman- President of Islami Chhatro Shongho In the end of 1970 the accused Muhammad Kamarujjaman took the charge of Islami Chatro Shongho of Mymensingh district according to the instruction of the centre. At that time Motiur Rahman Nijami was the president of all Pakistan Islami Chhatro Shongho and Ali Ahsan Muhammad Mujahid was the provincial (East Pakistan) general secretary. When Ali Ahsan Muhammad Mujahid was working as the provincial president Kamarujjaman was working as the office secretary of the provincial office.

6.5 The accused Muhammad Kamarujjaman- chief organizer of Al Badr
On 22nd April, 1971 as the chairman of then Islami Chhatro Shongho of Mymensingh district, Kamarujjaman first organized Al Badr with some loyal and selected members of Islami Chhatro Shongho of Ashek Mahmud College as the killing squad of Jammat E Islami. Kamarujjaman was the main organizer of this squad.

6.6 Short Military training of Al Badr by the accused Muhammad Kamarujjaman
Under the leadership of accused Muhammad Kamarujjaman within some months all the workers of Islami Chhatro Shongho of the greater Mymensingh district were organized under Al Badr force. After a short military training they were deployed in those regions i.e in Kishorgonj, Jamalpur, Netrokona, Mymensingh town etc to arrest, murder, and abdicate innocent Bengalese and to commit genocide. Besides these, looting and burning houses of towns and villages were continued for which the Hindus were compelled to leave the country.

6.7 Since the accused Muhammad Kamarujjaman had direct involvement with the plotting conspiracy, inciting people, to make plan, to implement the plan, to give order for committing crimes for the sake of his organization and he had played important role in committing crimes that are defined by the section 3(2), 4(1) and 4(2) of the International Crimes (Tribunal) Act, 1973.

7. Quotation from Publications and Books regarding Kamarujjaman’s crimes and their instance of occurrence:

Quotation from Publications and Books regarding Kamarujjaman’s crimes from 26th March, 1971 to 16th December, 1971-

7.1 It is mentioned in a report of the daily Shongram dated 16th August, 1971 that on 25th Azadi day (Freedom Day) a symposium and procession was arranged by Al Badr force. This symposium arranged at the local Muslim Institute was chaired by the chief organizer of Al Badr force Mr. Kamarujjaman. It is known from cable news that in the symposium the speakers gave warning about the enemies who were trying to destroy the country.

7.2 After the formation of Al Badr the Jamaat Leaders started to realize that this force could be used as their special squad for murdering the intellectuals besides performing anti liberation propaganda. Firstly; the workers of Islami Chhatro Shongh of Mymensingh district were organized and provided a short military training. Kamarujjaman was the

Director of these organizational activities. Under the leadership of accused Muhammad Kamarujjaman within some months all the workers of Islami Chhatro Shongho of the greater Mymensingh district were organized under Al Badr force. [Source: Where are the killer agents of 71? Centre for the development of the ideology of the Liberation war, Dhaka 1987, page- 111-112]

7.3 A father of the martyr in Sherpur informed the mass investigation commission that is son Bodiujjaman was arrested by Kamarujjaman and his team of 11 Al Badr members from his in law’s house during the month of Ashar (first month of rainy season). They took him to the camp and killed him. After the liberation the elder brother of the martyr Hasanujjaman filed a case at the Nalitabari Police Station. The number of the case is 2(5)72. GR no- 250(2)72.

7.4 Kamarujjaman, his men arrested Golam Mostofa and took him to the camp situated at the residence of Shurendro Mohon Shaha. They had set their camp by seizing that house. In the camp they sliced his muscles and veins and then they took him to the Sherry Bridge walking the entire road. There they shot Golam Mostofa. This murder was committed by the direct order of Kamarujjaman. Similar type of information has been provided by many people of Sherpur.

7.5 Taposh Shah, a father of martyr and former resident of Sherpur Students’ League informed that Kamarujjaman and his associated frequently arrested people and tortured them in their camp. The Al Badrs used to whip them. Kamarujjaman’ force arrested commissioner Mojid and imprisoned him in a dark well inside the torture camp.

7.6 the accused Kamarujjaman arrested Syed Abdul Hannan, lecturer of Islamic history and Culture of Sherpur College and made him almost naked, made him bald, harnessed him with a shoe chaplet, rubbed him with ashes and rounded him along the streets of Sherpur town while they were whipping him brutally.

7.7 Former Awami League Leader of Sherpur district Ziaul Huq informed that on 22nd August 1971 at 5 pm 3 armed Al Badr arrested him while he was going to Gazi’s farm from his house at Kamarichar. They locked Ziaul in the dark well inside the torture camp. They released him on the condition of leaving Sherpur otherwise they threatened him to kill.

7.8 Emdadul Huq Hira, the leader of Jatio Party of Sherpur informed that on 1971 in the beginning of liberation war Pakistanis had burnt his residence with the help of Kamarujjaman. They had established five bunkers there. They have killed many people under the leechi tree.

7.9 Another witness, Mr. Mushfiqujjaman, teacher of Haji Al Mamud College of Nokla, Sherpur informed that on August, 1971 the houses and business stores adjacent to the Tinani bazaar were looted under the direction of Kamarujjaman.

7.10 A driver of one of the trucks that were used to carry the dead bodies and imprisoned men by Rajakar, Al Badr and Pakistani army informed that Kamarujjaman guided the Pakistani soldiers to the residence of freedom fighter Honta to burn his house. That time Kamarujjaman also looted 4000 kg rice from his house. Beside it that truck driver informed that the members of Al Badr used to seize others properties and confiscate cattle from others.

7.11 In the book named “The killer agents of 71” it is mentioned that Kamarujjaman had cooperated the army to loot and burn the residence of freedom fighter Honta of Nokla and in committing the genocide of Shurzadi. In a documentary film named “Al Badr: A killing squad of Pakistan army 1971” the proof of Kamarujjaman’s war crimes have been revealed. It is said in the documentary film that the camp of Al Badr situated at the residence of Shurendromohon was the most notorious among the seven camps of Jamalpur. The superintendent of that camp was Kamarujjaman. At least 80-90 freedom

Fighters and innocent Bengalese were killed in that camp. They used to lock up innocent people in the dungeons inside the camp and tortured them brutally. The associate of these murders and torture was the commander of Al Badr force of Jamalpur sub division Abdul Bari, Nasir and Kamran.

Mohon Munshi was the janitor of the camp for the 7 months of the liberation war. He had witnessed the sight of murder and tortures. A diary of Abdul Bari, the associate of Ashraf was rescued after the war. Clear proof of capturing and execution of some freedom fighters and raping some Hindu women have been found. Kamarujjaman was one of the associates of Ashraf. Specific proof has been found that Golam Mostofa was shot in this camp by the order of Kamarujjaman. (Source: The Killer agents of 71, Ajadur Rahman Chondon, page- 137)
7.12 After the formation of Al Badr the Jamaat Leaders started to realize that this force could be used as their special squad for murdering the intellectuals besides performing anti liberation propaganda. Firstly; the workers of Islami Chhatro Shongh of Mymensingh district were organized and provided a short military training. Kamarujjaman was the Director of this organizational activities. Under the leadership of accused Muhammad Kamarujjaman within some months all the workers of Islami Chhatro Shongho of the greater Mymensingh district were organized under Al Badr force. (Source: Ekattorer Ghatok dalalra ke kothay (Who and where are the killer agents of 1971), Centre for the development of the ideology of the Liberation war, Dhaka 1987, page- 111-112.) Ekattorer Ghatok dalalra ke kothay (Who and where are the killer agents of 1971), Centre for the development of the ideology of the Liberation war, Dhaka 1987, page- 128

7.13 Mentionable that in those books the role of the president Chhatro Shongho as the chief of Al Badr during the liberation war has been discussed and the role of Jamaat and its associate organizations were also discussed widely:

8. Crimes and time period of committing crimes of the accused Kamarujjaman

25th March 1971- 16th December 1971

8.1 It is mentioned in the report of National Mass Investigation Commission about the killing agents and war criminals of 1971 (abridged form) that Muhammad Kamarujjaman is the Assistant Secretary of Jamaat E Islami Bangladesh.

He is the editor of the weekly Shonar Bangla and former executive editor of the Daily Shongram which is the representative newspaper of Jamaat E Islami. The anti liberation activities of Kamarujjaman during the liberation war have been known from the historical books on the liberation war and from the tortured people. On 22nd April, 1971 as the chairman of then Islami Chhatro Shongho of Mymensingh district Kamarujjaman first organized Al Badr with some loyal and selected members of Islami Chhatro Shongho of Ashek Mahmud College as the killing squad of Jammat E Islami. Kamarujjaman was the main organizer of this squad.

8.2 In any time of the last week of April 1971, with the formation of Al Badr by recruiting the members of Islami Chhatro Shongho under its leader Kamarujjaman they became faithful and loyal to the plans of Jammat E Islami and their job was to execute anti liberation activities and besides these as the killing squad of Jamaat they will be used in killing poets, writers, teachers, professors, journalists, lawyers, doctors, engineer, artists and intellectual personalities. At first, at Jamalpur, Mymensingh town, Netrokona, Kishorgonj, Sherpur and in Tangail of the greater Mymensingh the workers of Islami Chhatro Shongho were organized as the Al Badr force and were given armed military training under the supervision of 31st Baluch regiment. The director of this activity was Kamarujjaman.

8.3 The accused Kamarujjaman was the chairman of Mymensingh Islami Chaatro Shongho and an inhabitant of Sherpur. As the chief organizer, on 16th May, 1971 he provided a short military training for 47 workers at Sherpur (Mymensingh District). The training span was 7 to 12 days. The skills of using automatic weapons, dismantling and moving weapons from one place to another, disabling mines and explosives, receiving wireless message were developed in this training. In the practical field the under mentioned weapons were provided to Al Badr- Barabor gun, 303 rifle, light mortar gun, anti aircraft gun, hand grenade, mine and revolver. The association of Al Badrs was mentioned in the note of Major Gen. Rao Forman Ali Khan, the adviser to the governor general. Just after the formation of Rajakar and Al Badr force, camp was established at Ahmed nogor of Jhinaigati, Sherpur. Brutal mass killings were committed at Jhaugora, Shurzadi of Sherpur, Kakorkandi, Shohagpur and Jogotpur village of Nolitabari area. (Source: Relation of Islami Chhatro Shongho with Al Badr force in the report of the Daily Shongram, published on 12th September, 1971 and the leaders of Islami Chhatro Shongho were told to form Al Badr force.)
8.4 On 29th June 1971 at about 11 pm Martyr Bodiujjaman son of Md. Fojlul Huq inhabitant of Kalinogor village under Nalitabari police station of Sherpur district was arrested by a team of Al Badr whose leader was Kamarujjaman from the residence of Ahammod member of Ramnogor village under Jhinaigati police station and was taken to Ahammod nogor camp and there they tortured him all night and the next day they shot him and killed him on the street. They dragged the body and threw it in the water from the wooden bridge. Muhammod Kamarujjaman as a leader of Al Badr force used to go to the camp by military jeep and deliberately killed many people in this area.

8.5 In midmay, 1971 the accused Kamarujjaman arrested Syed Abdul Hannan, lecturer of Islamic history and Culture of Sherpur College and made him almost naked, made him bald, harnessed him with a shoe chaplet, rubbed him with ashes and rounded him along the streets of Sherpur town while they were whipping him brutally.

8.6 Residence of late Emdadul Huq Hira Mia is situated at Gridda Narayanpur village of Sherpur town under Jamalpur district. In the first of June 1971, Emdadul Huq Hira Mia left his home and moved elsewhere with his family. That time Kamarujjaman with his Al Badr force burned the residence of advocate Samad, revolutionist Roby Niyogi and Hira’s residence. Later, with the help of Kamarujjaman, Pakistani army settled camp at the residence of Emdadul Huq Hira Mia. They used to take people to the camp and buried them in a mass grave after killing. After the independence that Emdadul Huq Hira Mia, dug the places around his home and recued skeletons of four men.

8.7 According to the plan and advice of the accused Kamarujjaman on 25th July 1971 Pakistani army, Rajakar and Al Badr surrounded the Shohagpur village and killed all men and raped all young women (from that day the village is known everywhere as the village of the widows). Around 120 men were killed at Shohagpur village. The survivors arranged the burial of the killed people. Pakistani army, Rajakar and Al Badr committed this mass killing according to the plan of the accused Kamarujjaman.

The names of the executed people are given below [40 names were given and 120 unnamed people]

8.8 The camp of Al Badr force was situated at the bungalow of Mymensingh district council during the war of 1971. Md. Hamidul Huq, father- Late Alhaj Dr. Dostur Ali, village- Tarail, P/S- TARAIL, District- Kishorgonj, with a troop of Mujib force took shelter in the residence of nowmohol of Mymensingh town. Being informed that freedom fighters are staying there Kamarujjaman with his Al Badr troop surrounded the residence and arrested Md. Hamidul Huq and another man. They took him to their camp. There they pressured him regularly to give speech in support of Pakistan. While staying there he heard news of Kamarujjaman calling his men to kill Hindus ruthlessly. One day he observed that the Al Badr troops under the leadership of Kamarujjaman captured Dr. Shirajuddin, principal of Anondo Mohon College and tortured him. That time he came to know about the presence of Kamarujjaman in Nalitabari genocide. One day he escaped technically in time of Maghreb prayer from the mosque.

8.9 It is mentioned in a report of the daily Shongram dated 16th August, 1971 that on 25th Azadi day (Freedom Day) a symposium and procession was arranged by Al Badr force. This symposium arranged at the local Muslim Institute was chaired by the chief organizer of Al Badr force Mr. Kamarujjaman. It is known from cable news that in the symposium the speakers gave warning about the enemies who were trying to destroy the country. That symposium of Kamarujjaman and his procession and hate speech created fear among the mass people and his speech and his instruction persuade his party workers to finish off the pro liberation innocent Bengalese.

8.10 On 23rd August, 1971 in time of Maghreb prayer Golam Mostofa Talukdar, son of late Asiruddin, village- Gridda Narayonpur, Mostofabag thana road, P/S and District- Sherpur was buying battery for his radio. That time by the order of the accused Kamarujjaman, his men arrested Golam Mostofa and took him to the camp situated at the residence of Shurendro Mohon Shaha. His uncle Tofael Islam requested Kamarujjaman to release him. On that very night Kamarujjaman and his Al Badr force shot Golam Mostofa and another man named Abul Kashem on the Sherry Bridge over the Mrigy river. Golam Mostofa died but Abul Kashem jumped into the river and survived as a bullet hit into his finger.

8.11 Kamarujjaman and his Al Badr troop seized the residence of distinguished businessman and social worker Shurendro Mohon Shaha adjacent to Noyani bazaar at gun point and established their camp there. In the first week of November 1971 Commander Johurul Huq was arrested by the order of Kamrujjaman. He was taken to their camp and was bitten and tortured whole day. Major Ayub of Pakistani army and Kamrujjaman both tortured him. The Al Badr guard Mohon Munshi then identified Johurul Huq as a beggar and Kamrujjamn kicked him off the camp. While staying in the camp he heard many shouting like “O Allah save me. O mother save me.”

8.12 On 1971 during the month of Ramadan at 7:30 pm Md. Liakot Ali, father- Md. Sadek Ali Mia and Mujibor Rahman Janu, father- lat A. Ajij Khan, both addressess- Chokbazaar, P/S and District- Sherpur were arrested from their home at Chokbazaar by the accused Kamarujjaman and 4/5 of his men and took them to the Rajakar camp situated at Banthia building of Roghunath bazaar and tortured them. From there they were sent to the police station. After 5 days in the police station custody they were sent to the jhinaigati Ahmodnogor military camp by the order of Kamarujjaman. Then they were all ordered to stand up in front of a trench beside the Ahmod nogor UP office. He and three others were separated from the line and the rest were shot and killed. The accused Kamarujjaman and his associate Kamran were present in the firing spot.

Committee decided to bring out a procession from the Baitul Mokarrom Mosque to Chok bazaar on 14th April. Later it was decided to bring it out on 13th April. For the first time the Biharis and anti liberation parties brought out a procession with band party, banners, festoons and Pakistani flags. Khaja Khoeruddin, Golam Azom, Shafiqul Islam, Mohsenuddin, Syed Azizul Huq, Mahmud Ali, Abdul Jobbar, A T Sadi were in front of the procession. After the conference some of the workers of the procession burnt some houses and killed some people. They left the dead bodies on the road side and started their killing activity.

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